At Islamia Primary School we value each and every child...we are an inclusive school and our inclusivity is driven by our inclusive, all-embracing faith values.

At Islamia Primary School we firmly believe that:

  • Provision for pupils at Islamia Primary School with special educational needs and/or a disability is the responsibility of the whole school, with specialist guidance from the SENCO,  the Head Teacher and the Governing Board.
  • All teaching staff are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. 
  • Using  the graduated approach is key to meeting the needs of pupils with SEND.

Some of the strategies that we use to meet the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs are:

  • Differentiated quality first teaching is a priority for all pupils in the school including those with SEND.
  • Where a pupil is identified as having SEND, action is taken to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place.
  • The SEND support takes the form of a four part cycle known as the graduated approach (Assess, Plan, Do and Review) and all children identified on the SEND register will have a pupil passport that is reviewed and updated termly.
  • Where teachers have a concern, they will complete a SENCO referral form which will be reviewed by the SENCO and appropriate actions taken to support the next steps.
  • Where a pupil continues to make less than expected progress, despite evidence-based support matched with interventions addressing areas of need, it may be necessary to involve specialists in the school or from outside agencies.
  • Some children may have multi-agency involvement and the school will consider the criteria for the levels of need and where relevant may decide in consultation with the relevant authorities is appropriate.
  • Where, despite the school having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the need of the child or young person and they have not made expected progress, the school or parents could consider requesting an Education, Health and Care needs assessment.

The Graduated Approach Framework outlines evidence-based strategies to support children and young people with SEND across Universal, Targeted, and Specialist Support. The revised 2024 framework now includes weblinks to a variety of resources and research accessible to both schools and families.

Note: The GAF also includes a link to Brent's Local Offer.

SEND Policy

Special-Educational-Needs-and-Disability-Policy Sep 2023_1.pdf

661.89 KB

SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report.pdf

237.47 KB

SEND Graduated Approach

SEND Graduated Approach Framework Brochure.pdf

7.64 MB

Accessibility Plan

Accessibilty Plan.pdf

109.07 KB

The Brent Parent Carer Forum is hosting a series of parent workshops in partnership with Health, Education, and Social Care. These sessions will be held online via Microsoft Zoom and will provide valuable information on a variety of topics, delivered by experienced specialists as part of Brent’s Local Offer.

Brent SEN Local Offer - Jan 2025.pdf

1.12 MB
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