Our Governors

The Governors of Islamia Primary School have been appointed from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise to ensure that every child at Islamia is safe at school and is provided with the best education and learning opportunities in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.

Being a school governor is challenging and extremely rewarding, our key responsibilities are outlined below. Both the Full Board and sub-Committees formally meet at least once every three months.

We are the school’s critical friend:

  • Challenging, monitoring and supporting senior management
  • Governors bring ‘constructive challenge’ to decision making and ensure that the school is effectively led and managed.et strategic direction, policies and objectives.

We set strategic direction, policies and objectives:

  • Approve the school budget
  • Set and agree appropriate targets and priorities– shaping the vision and direction of the school in accordance with our ethos and values
  • Ensure all pupils and employees have equal opportunities within the school including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

We monitor and evaluate:

  • Confirm statutory duties have been fulfilled
  • Review the effectiveness of statutory policies
  • Review progress against the school’s budget and objectives

We conduct our responsibilities through four main committees:

  • Curriculum and Development Committee (Chair – Sr Nur Enver)
  • Finance, Property and Staffing Committee (Chair – Sr Monna Rizvi)
  • Safeguarding, Families and Community Committee (Chair – Sr Nur Enver)
  • Admissions Committee (Chair – Sr Monna Rizvi)

Our Governing Board Members are:

Sofia Moussaoui - Chair of Governors

Souad Tehami - Vice-Chair

Monna Rizvi - Foundation Governor

Nur Enver - Foundation Governor

Zahida Shaheem - Foundation Governor

Hassana Islam - Foundation Governor

Naugal Durrani - Foundation Governor

Nargis Jamadar - Staff Governor

Aslam Choudhary - LA Governor

Alimuddin Shaikh - Headteacher

Mariam Sattar - Parent Governor

Hafsah Ahmed - Parent Governor

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