Home School Agreement

At Islamia Primary School our aim is to strive to provide the best education within a secure Islamic environment through the application of the Qur’an and Sunnah; achieving this goal will be a team effort coordinated with the school staff, pupils and parents working together to form a common goal.

To this end we have developed a school charter which incorporates the following Home-School Agreement which Islamia Primary School staff, pupils and parents all agree to abide by upon successfully enrolling, working or attending the school.

The HSA (Home School Agreement) should be read thoroughly and understood and be referred to regulalry and in case of uncertainty, if you need additional clarification please contact the school office.

Islamia Primary School will:

  1. Deliver excellence in education through a holistic curriculum and dedicated team, harnessing the power of faith and belief in Allah to help develop truly remarkable children;
  2. Promote a broad range of values through a focus on character development, inspiring children to learn and instil high expectations;
  3. Expect all pupils to have a minimum attendance of 97% +;
  4. Follow up all pupil absences and lateness rigorously, we do not permit holidays in term time under any circumstances;
  5. Embed inclusive practice in all areas of its work so that all children are well supported and have equal opportunities;
  6. Provide opportunities for pupils to collaborate and develop 21st Century skills;
  7. Promote creativity and innovation across the curriculum;
  8. Serve the community our neighbours and stakeholders;
  9. Help develop children who are proud of their faith, heritage and our country;
  10. Ensure all children are happy, healthy, safe and spiritually inclined towards the Quran and Sunnah!

As an Islamia Primary School pupil I will:

  1. Have the highest expectations of myself and do whatever it takes to learn;
  2. Take pride in my achievements, act on advice from teachers, and complete all class work and home learning on time;
  3. Read daily at home for at least 20 minutes;
  4. Attend school regularly and on time, ready to learn and take part in school activities;
  5. Bring all equipment I need so I am prepared for the day;
  6. Wear the full school uniform and be tidy in appearance;
  7. Do all my class my work and homework on time and as well as I can;
  8. Consider and respect the feelings and property of others in the school and in the wider community;
  9. Cooperate and respect all staff and accept the rules of conduct of the school;
  10. Keep the school free from litter.

As an Islamia Primary School parent I will:

  1. Send my child/children to school on time in full uniform with correct resources and PE KIT;
  2. Notify the school by 9am if my child is unwell and will not be attending school;
  3. Notify the school in writing if my child is going to be absent from the school for any length of time, in cases of necessity i.e. Medical appointments (copy appointment letters must be given to the school for authorising absence);
  4. If my child is absent for 10 consecutive days without any notice to the school my child will be at risk of losing his/her place;
  5. I have read the school calendar and will not take my child on holiday during term time;
  6. I accept that I will be liable to pay a financial penalty if my child takes any unauthorised leave from school;
  7. Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour;
  8. Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and discipline;
  9. Support my child in reading at home for at least 20 minutes daily;
  10. Support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning;
  11. Attend all parent meetings, other appropriate meetings and discussions about my child’s progress;
  12. Show by my own example that I support the school, in setting a high Islamic standard in all that it tries to do;
  13. Take an active and supportive interest in my child’s work and progress. If I have any concerns I will discuss this first with the class teacher with the aim of clarifying and concerns.
  14. Respect all members of staff at all times and know that if I disrespect or abuse any member of staff then I will be invited to meet with the Head teacher and could face a temporary ban from the school premises;
  15. Ensure that I adhere to the school’s safeguarding and child protection policy;
  16. Must not promote the views of extremist or criminal organisations or promote intolerance, racism or discrimination;
  17. I will park my car with due care and consideration for the school and its neighbours;
  18. Honour my pledge of giving the school a voluntary contribution of £450.00 per year.

In enrolling, attending and being a part of the Islamia Primary School community all staff, parents and pupils agree to abide by the school's Home School Agreement as a (minimum standard) school charter for the benefit of the entire school community.

Email • 020 7372 2532