Headteacher's Welcome

At Islamia Primary School we welcome students from all backgrounds and hope to enrich their lives through academic study and a values-laden curriculum enshrined within a strong Islamic ethos which promotes excellent character.

As Headteacher of Islamia Primary School, I am very proud of our students, their achievements and the desire of all those at the school to reach their full potential.

Islamia Primary School is a school that expects excellence from students and the staff supporting and teaching them. Ofsted recognised the school, once again, as a Good school (February, 2022) and praised our high expectations of all pupils. Our academic curriculum provides students with a pathway to achieve not only excellent SATs results and academic achievement but also develop as exceptional young Muslims. In addition to studying traditional, curricular subjects we are fortunate to have excellent subject specialists to teach Deen (Faith) disciplines such as Islamic Studies, Quran, Nasheed and the Arabic language.

As Headteacher, nevertheless, I will not be satisfied until we are truly excellent in all our endeavours and we make no apologies for insisting on excellent behaviour, attendance and commitment from students, staff, parents and the wider community. In doing so, I will ensure our school leaders are relentless in working to transform the school so that it provides the young people it serves with the best possible education – talim alongside tarbiyyah – nurture and, adab – good manners – in order for them to become the best of Muslims. Those who visit remark on the calm and purposeful lessons and the dedication of our staff; we are proud of what we have achieved thus far although we recognise that there is yet much more to be done!

Our vision at Islamia Primary School is that we do whatever it takes to ensure every student achieves their full potential, including academically, morally and spiritually and, in so doing we expect our students to exemplify Islamia School values at all times; in both their school and home lives in following the values instilled through the Quran and Sunnah.

Alim Uddin Shaikh
Headteacher, Islamia Primary School

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